
IHF.OR.ID, DEPOK — The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) has designated Character Elementary School as one of nine schools throughout Indonesia that are worthy of being a pilot school for the Fun Early Childhood to Elementary School Transition Movement. This program was held for five days, from Monday to Friday, August 5–9, 2024 at Character Elementary School, Cimanggis, Depok.

All of the participants were moving teachers (guru penggerak) throughout Indonesia. These teachers come from eight schools from four provinces, namely North Sumatra (SDN 176374 Dolok Nauli and SDN 074071 Bawodobara Nias Selatan), West Sumatra (SDN 11 Paninjauan Agam and SDN 20 Selayo Solok), South Sumatra (SDN 01 Sunber Agung Ogan Komering Ulu Timur and SDIT A Ba Ta Tsa Lahat Lahat), and West Java (SDN Babakan Manjeti III Majalengka and SDN Cineam Tasikmalaya). The participants will see firsthand the practice of this transition movement in grades 1 and 2 of elementary school.

Editorial/Maulady Virdausy Fahmy

The participant get to know with the students from Grade 2 Lynx in Cimanggis Character Elementary School, Monday, August 5, 2024.

Rahma Dewi as Executive Director of the Indonesian Heritage Foundation (IHF), Kemendikbudristek team, staff of the West Java Province Center for Moving Teachers (BBGP), and participants attended the opening ceremony at the IHF Meeting Room on Monday, August 5, 2024. In her opening speech, Rahma Dewi said that teachers and education system in Indonesia must change.

“The teachers must be different. In my era (baby boomers) the teacher was classic, fierce, discipline, and strict. Education should change and it is the reason why we implementing this model (CBHE). We want to help the government program so that the teachers do not make mistakes in educating our children,” she explained.

Based on Kemendikbudristek website, Fun Early Childhood to Elementary School Transition Movement is a joint effort to ensure the fulfillment of the rights of early childhood foundation skills, regardless of their starting point. The three targets of change that are to be achieved in this program are eliminating reading, writing and arithmetic tests from the process of accepting new students in elementary schools, implementing an introduction period for new students for the first two weeks (in PAUD and elementary schools), and implementing learning that builds six children’s foundation skills (in PAUD and elementary schools).

Editorial/Maulady Virdausy Fahmy

Florence Yulisinta Jusung, Director of Education, Research and Development, and Finance IHF, delivered the material “The Importance of Character Education and PHBK at the Elementary School Level” at IHF Meeting Room, Monday, August 5, 2024.

Translator: Ratna Safitri
 Teuku Zulman Sangga Buana
Editor: Dewanti Nurcahyani

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