Founders’ Message
Ladies and gentlemen,
For more than two decades, Indonesia Heritage Foundation (IHF) has devoted itself to building Indonesian children into intelligent, creative, and characterized human beings. The Character-Based Holistic Education (CBHE) model is the driving force to realize IHF’s vision and mission. We are very optimistic about the future of the Indonesian nation by continuing to spread CBHE with the support of various layers of Indonesian society.

IHF develops the CBHE model by taking references from various disciplines, then formulates how to form a character that can optimize positive reasoning power and noble moral values to create humans who are consistent in voicing togetherness and unity, anti hoaxes, not spreading hate speech or divisions, responding to differences as the nation’s cultural wealth, being wise, and always inviting goodness.
Realizing love for the nation and homeland is the duty of all Indonesian citizens. The vision and mission of our foundation are part of that realization. Character-based Holistic Education teaches national values, understanding cultural diversity, respecting the nation’s heroes, preserving natural resources, and being grateful for Indonesia’s natural beauty, which is introduced from an early age with reference to a developmentally appropriate approach.
Diversity is the key to the progress of the Indonesian nation, which will be realized if humans or children of the nation show a high tolerance character towards fellow children of the nation or fellow humans from any part of the world. Tolerance, which is one of the important characters of the 9 Pillars of Character that is consistently taught in the CBHE model from an early age in Character School, will give birth to superior and broad-minded Indonesian humans in welcoming the Society 5.0 era.
Becoming a superior nation in the future is the mission of all Indonesian nations and citizens that can be realized if they have human resources who are creative, disciplined, unyielding, independent, adaptive, and broad-minded to the rapid changes of the times.
Ratna Megawangi and Sofyan A. Djalil

Indonesia Heritage Foundation
Jalan Raya Bogor Km. 31 No. 46
Tugu, Cimanggis, Depok
Jawa Barat 16451
Telepon: (021) 8712022
Pos-el: [email protected]
Indonesia Heritage Foundation (IHF)
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