IHF presents various trainings for teachers, parents, and the general public in order to disseminate the CBHE model throughout Indonesia. The trainings are held in various cities and districts in Indonesia, including Intensive CBHE Training, Grand Training, Parenting Training, and various supporting CBHE-based trainings.
Intensive CBHE Training
We believe that the dream of building a nation with character, intelligence, and creativity can be realized if there is synergy with all education stakeholders in Indonesia. Therefore, one of the methods we choose to disseminate our experience in implementing the CBHE model is by conducting intensive training, both offline and online.

IHF organizes various training models regularly and continuously, both sponsored and at the participant’s own expense, such as CBHE training for early childhood education and CBHE training for elementary school, which are held for 3 to 21 days at the IHF Building. We also conduct refresher training to reinforce to optimize the implementation of the CBHE model. In addition, we also work on in-house training based on special requests from SBB schools, schools that are new to CBHE, or certain schools/agencies.
Grand CBHE Program (PPA)
The Grand CBHE Program (PPA) is part of the Intensive CBHE Training which aims to improve the quality of early childhood education teachers and students in various regions in Indonesia. This program is designed so that schools throughout Indonesia can run the Character-Based Holistic Education (CBHE) model as done in Character School.
This PPA provides wider opportunities for schools that are interested in implementing the CBHE concept. The opportunity is in the form of intensive training and coaching that will be conducted for six months to one year. IHF collaborates with the Coordinator School (SK)—selected through a series of selection processes—as a school trusted by IHF in disseminating CBHE to Partner Schools (SM).

Since 2021, the Grand CBHE Program (PPA) has been held in 3 sessions. In the first session, which was held for 30 meetings, 68 Coordinator Schools (SK) and 876 Partner Schools (SM) participated in this program. The second session which consisted of 25 meetings involved 78 SK and 1,171 SM, while the third session with 28 meetings involved 85 SK and 1,081 SM. The fourth batch will be held on November 2023 with the number of participants expected to reach at least 800 Partner Schools (SM). We are also preparing the PPA for the next batches. In addition to receiving training and coaching for six to twelve months, the participants of this program were also given assistance in the form of equipment that can help implement the CBHE model.
Grand Training

The Grand Training was conducted to attract as many participants as possible. This training aims to build public awareness, especially teachers, of the importance of building children’s character with love and compassion.
This training discusses materials that are expected to open insights and improve the knowledge and skills of educators in teaching. For example, effective communication, literacy and numeracy skills, and how to streamline character education in the classroom. Since the pandemic in 2020, Grand Training has been stopped and we are now focusing more on the Grand CBHE Program (PPA) which involved thousands of early childhood education schools.
Parenting Training
Parenting training activities are conducted offline and online. The parenting program that is carried out is to foster early childhood education teachers and parents so that they can prepare a school and home environment that is conducive to optimal child character development.

Supporting Training
We also organize and develop new training, such as School Disaster Response Training, Elementary School Mathematics Training, Daycare Caregiver and Companion Training, and Character Development Training for Youth in Prison—based on CBHE.
Daycare Caregiver and Companion Training
This training is a development of parenting training. This training aims to improve the skills of housemaids and daycare companions or caregivers in caring for children, such as stimulating development, character communication, dealing with emergencies, and designing activities.
School Disaster Response Training
We conducted this event to share what we have done at IHF and Character School. We created a school disaster response team that will be on duty during a natural disaster. Mitigation is a series of efforts to reduce disaster risk, both through physical development as well as awareness and improvement of the ability to face disaster threats.
The number of victims is sometimes not because of the disaster, but because of the ignorance of teachers and students about how to mitigate or reduce disaster risk. The training was conducted with materials, including disaster response and self-rescue practices during an earthquake, how to form a disaster response team at school, and first aid practices at school.
Elementary School Mathematics Training
Mathematics training activities are carried out for elementary school teachers. How to teach mathematics in a fun way, making students understand mathematics concepts correctly. Besides, also alternative tips and tricks to teach mathematics in different ways.
The materials in this mathematics training include numeracy learning in elementary school, number concepts, number operations, proportional reasoning development, spatial literacy development, APE (educational game tools) making practice, data processing literacy development, and creative thinking and problem solving in mathematics.
Character Development Training for Youth in Prison
This training is conducted for teachers or assistants of the Child Special Development Institution (LPKA). The teachers who participated consisted of junior and senior high school level teachers. This coaching aims to make the teachers or assistants in LPKA touched with positive communication and fun learning methods.
Indonesia Heritage Foundation
Jalan Raya Bogor Km. 31 No. 46
Tugu, Cimanggis, Depok
Jawa Barat 16451
Telepon: (021) 8712022
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Indonesia Heritage Foundation (IHF)
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