Character School
Schools of Character are formal schools managed by IHF and function as IHF’s laboratory schools in implementing and developing the Character-Based Holistic Education (CBHE) model. Character Schools consist of kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school.
We provide ready-to-use CBHE Model training materials for educators/teachers in the form of CBHE curriculum implementation. The training materials include applicable knowledge that aims to shape teachers’ competencies and abilities in the following.
- Creating a fun, challenging and comfortable learning environment.
- Creating an atmosphere of peace, security, feeling valued, feeling respected, and feeling loved by students.
- Effective and polite communication and interaction with both students and parents.
- Understanding the uniqueness and diversity of individual student competencies that will foster self-confidence, motivation, creativity, independence, and positive discipline.
- Fostering tolerance for diversity (ethnicity, religion, race, and intergroup relations).
Recruitment and CBHE License for Teachers

- Strict selection for teacher and employee recruitment.
- CBHE model license for teachers after passing intensive training, internships that are observed comprehensively.
Learning Environment
Optimal development of fine and gross motor aspects, maintaining stamina and health.
Evaluation/Assessment System
Based on portfolios, presentation of work, essays, and self-assessment.
Implementation of Education and Learning
- Stages of Learning according to Age (Developmentally Appropriate Practices)
- Brain Based Learning
- Fostering Curiosity (Inquiry Based Learning)
- Active Learning
- Integrated and Thematic
- Contextual
- Learning with Real Practices
- Learning to Work in Teams
- Effective Classroom Management and Positive Communication
Character Education Approach
- Explicit, systematic, and continuous.
- Instill character through understanding, loving, and doing good.
- Cultivating Pillars of Character Specifically and Integrated in every learning activity.
- The use of games and media that builds character.
- Storytelling activities with character series literacy books.
- Invite active involvement of parents.
Character School
Indonesia Heritage Foundation
Jalan Raya Bogor Km. 31 No. 46
Tugu, Cimanggis, Depok
Jawa Barat 16451
Telepon: (021) 8712022
Pos-el: [email protected]
Indonesia Heritage Foundation (IHF)
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