“Diversity is the key to Indonesian development that will be achieved if the society demonstrates the character of tolerance toward children of the nation and human beings from any part of the globe. Tolerance is one important character in 9 Pillars Character that has been taught consistently in Character Based Holistic Education (CBHE) since early childhood in Karakter School will make excellent Indonesian people with broad thinking to face Society 5.0.”


IHF Founder

Board of Trustees
Dr. Sofyan A. Djalil, S.H., M.A., MALD.
Rudiantara, S.Stat., M.B.A.
Abdullah Fawzy Siddik, M.B.A.
Board of Supervisors
Dr. H. Suyoto, M.Si.
Supramu Santosa, M.Sc., M.B.A.
Board of Executives
Dr. Ir. Ratna Megawangi, M.Sc.


Daily Executives
drg. Rahma Dewi, M.Kes.

Executive Director

Florence Yulisinta Jusung, S.P., M.Sc.

Education, RnD, and Finance Director

Rahma Dona, S.T.P., M.Sc.

Training, Operational, and Marketing Communication Director

Tina Sugiharti, S.P., M.Si.

Head Division of CBHE Quality Control

Sifa Sinthia, S.E.

Head Division of Finance

Muhtiarti Rahma Dewi, S.Si.

Head Division of Operational

Edianna Putri Mayangsari, S.P., M.Si.

Head Division of Training and SBB

Muhammad Halim, S.Pd., M.M.

Head Division of IT and Marketing Communication

Restiana Ertika Latifah, S.P., M.Ed.

Head Division of RnD and Purchasing

Raisa Rakhmania, S.S., M.Si.

Head Division of STPHBK

Dian Anggraeni Tri Astuti, S.Pi., M.Si.

Head Division of Early Childhood Education–Senior High School of Character School

Our People

Indonesia Heritage Foundation (IHF) believes that human resources are the key to the development of an organization. We value every employee at all stages of their career who brings different perspectives and experiences to IHF. A total of 271 of Indonesia’s best has joined the IHF family as employees (including teachers and trainers).

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