“Sparks of Hope”: IHF’s 24th Anniversary

Jabbar, a teacher at the Character School, recited verses from Qur’an at the opening of the 24th anniversary event, Thursday, September 19, 2024.
Editorial/Septian Dwi Rangga

Rahma Dewi, Executive Director of IHF, delivering her speech.
Editorial/Septian Dwi Rangga

Florence Yulisinta as Director of Education, Research and Development, and Finance of IHF, also gave a speech.
Editorial/Septian Dwi Rangga

Rahma Dona, as Director of Training, Operations, and Marketing of IHF, shared her experiences in building the IHF in the early days of its founding.
Editorial/Septian Dwi Rangga

Tumpeng cutting process.
Editorial/Septian Dwi Rangga

Ustadz Bendri Jaisyurrahman, delivered material about family resilience.
Editorial/Septian Dwi Rangga

IHF staff and teachers were present to celebrate IHF’s 24th anniversary.
Editorial/Septian Dwi Rangga

The IHF directors are listening to the material presented by Ustadz Bendri Jaisyurrahman.
Editorial/Septian Dwi Rangga

Giving mementos to Ustadz Bendri Jaisyurrahman.
Editorial/Septian Dwi Rangga

Presentation of certificates to the winners of the sports competitions.
Editorial/ Septian Dwi Rangga

Awarding of certificates to the winners of the drawing competition.
Editorial/ Septian Dwi Rangga

Group photo at the end of the event.
Editorial/Septian Dwi Rangga
Translator: Ratna Safitri
Written by: Adila Gita, Student of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Gunadarma University
Editor: Teuku Zulman Sangga Buana
Indonesia Heritage Foundation
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