IHF.OR.ID, DKI JAKARTA – The President of The Republic of Indonesia (RI), Joko Widodo, officially closed the Grand Training for Cadres Early Childhood Education (PAUD) for DKI Jakarta Province which was attended by 1,200 teachers at the Jakarta Islamic Centre, Koja, North Jakarta.
“Intelligence is very necessary, but if it is not balanced with good character education, then its useless. This is the character education process that we strengthen,” he said on Wednesday, September 20th.
Chairman of the DKI Jakarta PKK Movement Team (TP) Happy Farida Hidayat, said this training is DKI Jakarta PKK TP program. The participants came from 267 sub-districts in DKI Jakarta and was held for three days, from Monday (9/18/2017) to Wednesday (9/20/2017).
“This character education program for PAUD teachers is in line with the TP PKK programs. This program is free and participants who have followed the training to the end will receive a certificate,” she said.
One of the aims of this training is to increase knowledge for PAUD teachers. They are expected to be able to share their knowledge to their students, families, and the surrounding communities.
Translator: Ratna Safitri
Editor: Teuku Zulman Sangga Buana