IHF.OR.ID, SEKAYU – Thousand of preschool teachers (PAUD) and kindergarten (TK) from regency or city in South Sumatera participating in grand training with theme “Character Education Practices and Scientific Approaches that Successfully Build Morals, Critical Thinking, and Children’s Creativity” on Tuesday, September 25th, 2018. The training was held in Opproom Musi Banyuasin Regency Government (Muba Regency Government).
The training was held for three days, from September 25th to 27th, 2018 in collaboration with the Indonesia Heritage Foundation (IHF). Accompanied by the Education and Culture Office, DPPA, and the Library and Archives Service, the training was opened directly by the Regent of Muba, represented by the Assistant for Government and People’s Welfare, H. Rusli, S.P., M.M. This activity was also attended by the Acting Head of Communication and Informatics of Muba, represented by Kartiko Buwono Muba along with other invited guests.
In his speech, Rusli said that Muba’s superior programs, such as free medical treatment, free school education, and one billion one village were motivation at the national level. Beside that, Rusli also said that Muba Regency had also received an award as a child-friendly regency and has won the Adipura award. Muba also has three universities and has produced outstanding athletes, both at provincial and national levels.
To build the character education practices and successful scientific approaches, morals, critical thinking, and creativity, he hopes that teachers will follow it carefully, so that it can be applied in their respective places of work.
“Hopefully, the teachers here can carry out appropriate character education and teach it without violence,” he said.
Meanwhile, Wahyu Farrah Dina, Internal Director of IHF and National Trainer for Character-Based Holistic Education, in her speech said that the educational facilities in Muba are the best in South Sumatra. Muba is also the earliest district to successfully carry out this training.
“We would like to thank the Regency Government for its support, so this event can be carried out well today. Hopefully, during these three days, the teachers can increase their knowledge and the special teachers here can learn how to be able to apply the knowledge of character education that is already known,” she concluded.
Translator: Ratna Safitri
Editor: Teuku Zulman Sangga Buana
Source: http://www.klikberita.co.id/peristiwa/peristiwa-daerah/ribuan-guru-ikuti-pelatihan-akbar-di-muba.html