IHF.CO.ID, DEPOK – Indonesia Heritage Foundation (IHF) held a kick-off event for the PHBK (Character-Based Holistic Education) Akbar Program on Wednesday, 30 November 2022. The event was held online through Zoom and YouTube and offline at the IHF Training Building, Cimanggis, Depok.
The kick-off activity was lively, starting with singing “Indonesia Raya” and “Mars SBB,” the showing of IHF’s profile video, the delivery of testimonials from participants who have participated in this program, the playing of a medley of archipelago songs as an offering from IHF for the participants and the introduction of the PHBK Akbar program by IHF Training Director Mrs. Rahma Dona and remarks from Mr. Sofyan Djalil as the founder of IHF.
“We know that ladies and gentlemen, especially the mothers and fathers of teachers who have been devoted to PAUD, kindergarten, elementary school, etc., are heroes who are very passionate about educating our children to become better children, to become a better Indonesian young generation in the future,” said Mr. Sofyan.
“However, we also realize that many teachers do not know the best way to educate children to provide maximum results as expected,” continued Mr. Sofyan.
Material on the Importance of Character Education
After that, the event continued with the presentation of material on the importance of character education for early childhood delivered by IHF founder Mrs. Ratna Megawangi with the theme “Building a Generation with Character, Smart, and High Thinking Skills (HOTS) Since Early Age Through the Implementation of Character-Based Holistic Education Model (CBHE).” Finally, the event was officially opened symbolically with a ribbon cutting by IHF Executive Director Mrs. Rahma Dewi.
The opening ceremony was attended by Bunda PAUD, Heads of the Education Office, and Head of the Ministry of Religious Affairs Office from various districts and cities, and representatives from over 1000 PAUD from all over Indonesia. In addition, the administrators of the Character School Committee and parents of Character School students, as well as the administrators and members of the Depok City Semai Benih Bangsa Teachers Association (IGSBB), also participated in this activity.

PHBK Akbar Program or Program Semai Benih Bangsa Akbar (PSBBA)
The PHBK Akbar program has been running since 2021, previously called the Semai Benih Bangsa Akbar (PSSBA) Program. This program has been running for two batches and has reached 5,443 PAUD/TK/RA and 753 SD/madrasahs spread across various regions in Indonesia.
This program aims to provide wider opportunities to schools in Indonesia interested in implementing the CBHE concept. The option is in the form of intensive training and coaching that will be carried out for the next six months.
Reporter: Teuku Zulman Sangga Buana