- SBB Stories
TK Tunas Bangsa, Cepu
Improving Teaching Methods in the Classroom

In 2024, Mrs. Cicik Purwati, commonly known as Mrs. Cicik, joined the teaching staff at SBB TK Tunas Bangsa. This SBB is a public school established by the village, located at Jalan Giyanti, Brabowan, Sambong, Blora, Central Java. In 2004, Mrs. Cicik, who was still a senior high school graduate, studied hard by observing how senior teachers taught. Finally, she was appointed principal in 2017.
Before attending the Indonesia Heritage Foundation (IHF) training, Mrs. Cicik had read an article explaining that teaching kindergarten children requires more knowledge than just teaching the three Rs through drilling methods. “I was curious whether the teaching method was correct or not at that time. So, I immediately asked the Chairman of IGTKI (Indonesian Association of Kindergarten Teachers) of Blora Regency,” she said in a phone interview.
Her close relationship with the Chairman of IGTKI Blora Regency led her to meet the IHF team (Mrs. Rofi), who at that time was running a collaboration program with ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL). Mrs. Rofi offered TK Tunas Bangsa to join the training at IHF, Depok (for 14 days). “Mrs. Rofi took care of the permits to the village and travel accomodation. All I had to do was sit back and wait until I arrived at IHF at that time,” recalled Mrs. Cicik.
One thing that sticks in his mind the most is his internship at SBB Tapos. “I was amazed that even a simple school located in a garage could implement this CBHE model. Therefore, I believe this model can be applied in my school.
After attending the training, he immediately socialized to all teachers—eight in total—and overhauled the teaching methods in the classroom to suit the Character-Based Holistic Education (CBHE) module. Interestingly at that time, the theme poster and the nine Pillars of Character were drawn simply by hands.

SBB TK Tunas Bangsa’s Activeness
SBB TK Tunas Bangsa is active in the management of IGTKI Blora Regency. Since becoming the Coordinator School (SK) of the Semai Benih Bangsa Akbar (PSBBA) Program, the Blora Regency Education Office has given the school the widest opportunity to participate in fostering early childhood education schools throughout Blora Regency.
As an SK, this SBB also tries to recruit Partner Schools (SM) from all areas of Blora Regency. Mrs. Cicik and her team are also committed to continue assisting SMs who intend to learn the CBHE module and the 9 Pillars of Character. Currently, there are 27 Partner Schools in Blora Regency.
Although the school is located in a village, the teachers are true learners and can provide a quality of early childhood education that is not inferior to schools in the city. In fact, they can inspire other larger schools or institutions.
Writer: Ari Saptarini
Editor and Translator: Teuku Zulman Sangga Buana
ExxonMobil Cepu Limited (EMCL) was an IHF donor and partner from 2007 to 2019. To date, EMCL has sent 78 SBBs to IHF for training and internship. EMCL also routinely coaches the trained schools and actively provides economic stimulus to increase the independence of early childhood education.
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