IHF.OR.ID, North Jakarta – The Mokaru—name for Indonesia Heritage Foundation (IHF) ‘s new employee—Batch IV and IHF’s Human Resources Department held IHF 2023 Staff Gathering event at Dunia Fantasi (Dufan), North Jakarta on Friday, January 6, 2023. Over 250 employees enlivened this activity from 10:00 to 19:00 WIB (Western Standard Time).
The event, with “Let’sDoFunTogether” and “Recharge Energy” as the tagline, was opened directly by Mrs. Rahma Dewi or also known as Bu Made (Mrs. Made). In her remarks, she addressed this event’s purpose and her hopes.
“Work for IHF; if we don’t have a strong vision and mission, it seems we do not progress. Those make us stronger. It means, with this staff gathering event, we have a friendship, are more unified, and know each other,” said this IHF Executive Director.

Various Interesting Activities
There were various exciting activities at that event, such as employee gift exchanges, a fantastic race game, and fun activities. Each employee brought a gift, then exchanged it for a gift brought by another employee randomly.
Meanwhile, the fun race game is a group activity similar to the treasure-hunting game. Participants had to be able to solve the puzzle first if they wanted to continue to the next point and arrive at the final point. All participants were divided into fifteen groups and given different names: Independent, Creative, Generous, Discipline, Honest, Trustworthy, Peace Loving, Tolerant, Cooperation, Wise, Relentless, United, Responsible, Humble, and Kind.
Lastly, fun activities, individual activities. Everyone was free to try rides available at Dufan, for example, Halilintar (roller coaster), Tornado, Rafting, Ice Age Arctic Adventure, and Bianglala (Ferris wheel).
The staff gathering participants looked happy after joining this event. This matter, for instance, was revealed from one of the participant’s comments.
“Thank you for IHF, Mrs. Ratna, Mr. Sofyan, and Mrs. Made. Thank you, committee team. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen, teachers, the same group, and friends queuing for rides together. It was great yesterday. Masyaallah, the body is sore in the morning, but the heart is happy,” said Putri Elena, an IHF employee.

Closing: IHF Is a Movement
The event was closed with dinner and photo time at Bandar Djakarta Restaurant. IHF founders Mrs. Ratna Megawangi and Mr. Sofyan A. Djalil attended this agenda. In his speech, Mr. Sofyan said that the IHF was a movement. He also emphasized that IHF was not his own but belonged to the public.
In addition, in that closing ceremony, door prizes and awards were given, making the event more exciting. Many door prizes were given to lucky participants, like earpods, a hand blender, a portable stove, a vacuum cleaner, and a smartwatch. Moreover, cash (Rp250.000,00, Rp300.000,00, Rp500.000,00, and Rp750.000,00), precious metals (0.5 gr, 1 gr, and 2 gr), and folding bikes.
Besides, participants, individually and as a group, received the award in various categories. For individuals, among others, the bravest, the toughest, and the FOMO (fear of missing out). As for the group, for example, the fastest, most excited, the best yells.
Reporter: Teuku Zulman Sangga Buana