IHF.OR.ID, Depok — The Training and SBB Division of the Indonesia Heritage Foundation (IHF), held a soft closing of the Grand CBHE Program (PPA) 4 with the theme “Message of Love for Partner Schools” on Thursday, May 30, 2024. The closing event for the six months long program was held via Zoom and broadcast directly via the Semai Benih Bangsa (SBB) YouTube channel.
A total of 61 Coordinator Schools (SK) and 805 Partner Schools (SM) from 13 provinces or 43 districts and cities also took part in this activity. Representatives from the Department of Education and the Ministry of Religion in each SK and SM region also participated in enlivening the soft closing event for the PPA 4 program.
Chairman of the IHF Council of Trustees, Sofyan A. Djalil, in his speech conveyed the importance of character development for person and a nation.
“The key to people’s success, the key to the success of a nation is its character. People who have good character, God willing, will be successful in life, successful in their society, successful as heads of households, and become good members of society,” he said.

Chairman of the IHF Council of Trustees, Sofyan A. Djalil, wearing blue and white batik, delivered a speech at the soft closing event for the PPA 4 program, Thursday (2024, May 30) afternoon.
After the speech, the event continued with a video showing the explanation of the PPA 4 program, a video of changes in schools after participating in the PPA program, and a video of message of love from SK to SM. At the end of the last activity, Ratna Megawangi, the Chair of the IHF, delivered a message of love in the form of appreciation for SM.
“I hope this is a source of pride, for the teachers who are member of this PPA program. It is a matter of pride, that we have had the opportunity to gain knowledge because we know that there are many teachers who may have very good intentions for educating children, but don’t know how,” she said.

Chair of the IHF, Ratna Megawangi, wearing a floral patterned shirt, conveyed a message of love to SM during the soft closing event for the PPA 4 program, Thursday (May 30, 2024) afternoon.
Program PHBK Akbar (PPA) is part of the Intensive PHBK Training, which aims to improve the quality of early childhood education teachers and students in various regions of Indonesia. This program is designed so the schools throughout Indonesia can implement the Character-Based Holistic Education (CBHE) model as is done at Character School.
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Translator: Ratna Safitri
Author: Teuku Zulman Sangga Buana
Editor: Dewanti Nurcahyani