IHF.OR.ID, DEPOK – In order to enrich the material in the Integrative Holistic Education course, students of the Master of Science Program in Family Science and Child Development, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences (IKK), Faculty of Human Ecology, IPB University visited the Character School, Indonesia Heritage Foundation (IHF). This activity held on Wednesday, March 6, 2024.

The students saw the atmosphere of the Character Kindergarten class, Cimanggis, Depok.
Fifteen students with one accompanying lecturer, Dr. Dwi Hastuti, made observations at Character School Cimanggis, Kindergarten and Elementary School, Depok. After walking around and seeing the activities of students in kindergarten and elementary school, Mrs. Dr. Ratna Megawangi, M.Sc., founder of IHF, gave students the opportunity to discuss and ask questions related to the implementation of integrative holistic education at the Character School.
Mrs. Dr. Dwi Hastuti hopes that this activity can be a learning experience for her students. According to her, what is conveyed in the Integrative Holistic Education course, if applied properly and correctly, will produce students with superior quality.

Students are discussing the implementation of Integrative Holistic Education at Meeting Room Character School, IHF.
Since its inception in 2000, Character School has used the Character-Based Holistic Education (CBHE) model developed by Mrs. Ratna Megawangi and team. One of the teams, conducting research related to the implementation of the CBHE model at the Semai Benih Bangsa (SBB) schools, is Mrs. Dr. Dwi Hastuti whose lecturer college in IKK Department IPB University.
Holistic integrative education is education that integrates all aspects and values in education, such as moral, ethical, religious, psychological, philosophical, and social values in a holistic unity between soul and body as well as material aspects and spiritual aspects to meet children’s essential needs. Integrative holisticism doesn’t only study one area of education, but also lessons that related to health and nutrition, parenting patterns, and protection for children—as reported in the popmama.com article entitled “Integrative Holistic: Benefits, Goals and Teaching Patterns”.

Group photo in front of the IHF main lobby.
Translator: Ratna Safitri
Reporter: Ari Saptarini
Editor: Teuku Zulman Sangga Buana