IHF.OR.ID, BOGOR — Founder of the Indonesia Heritage Foundation (IHF), Ratna Megawangi, explained the role of IHF in building children’s character in Indonesia. This was conveyed in a series of events “The 8th International Summer Course on Family, Child, and Consumer Issues: Nurturing the Family in the Era of Society 5.0”, on Tuesday, August 27, 2024, at Character School 2, Gunung Putri, Bogor.
On that occasion, Ratna Megawangi also told the background and purpose of the establishment of IHF and its relation to character education in Indonesia. “In the year of 2000, ya, we founded the foundation, Indonesia Heritage Foundation. So, our vision is how we can build a nation of character, intelligent, and with the higher order thinking skills. So, HOTS, ya, … through Character-Based Holistic Education mode (CBHE),” she explained.

Ratna Megawangi is delivering material entitled “The Role of School (IHF) in Shaping Children’s Character in Indonesia.”
This event was organized by the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences (IKK), Faculty of Human Ecology, IPB University. Participants came from various universities, both domestic and international, such as IPB University, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Universiti Putra Malaysia, dan University Niigata Prefecture.
The participants were very enthusiastic about the material presented. This can be seen from the many participants who asked questions. Character High School students were also given the opportunity to answer questions from the participants.

Participants are listening to the material presented.
The students explained about 9 Pillars of Character and the CHBE model. They also shared their experiences during the teaching and learning process at the Character School.
“Empathetic, empathetic skills of the Nine Pillars of Character. Empathetic is a huge part of us as as students, self control, moral commitment, and well developed conscious,” said Ziggy Bian Satriani Siregar, a Grade 11 Marvelous student.
“I really like the environment and the school because the people and the school are also supportive, and that makes me very comfortable studying here,” added Keita Adhitya Aisha, a Grade 12 Meraki student.

Ziggy Bian Satriani Siregar dan Keita Adhitya Aisha, Character High School students, answer questions from participants.
Translator: Ratna Safitri
Reporter: Teuku Zulman Sangga Buana
Editor: Dewanti Nurcahyani